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How to buy our ceramics

Discover our work

Browse the catalog.

The pieces can also be found by searching at the top or by Lines.

If in doubt, please contact us

In addition to the WhatsApp button present on all screens of the website, on the contact page we also have an email and telephone number. Feel free to ask anything you want.

Add products to your order

Click on the pieces you like and add them to the order. There is no purchase commitment, you can then edit the order however you prefer.

The order can be accessed via the order icon at the top. It shows your product list and details.

Send your request to us

Once the order is complete, just click the button to send via WhatsApp. We will be in touch soon.

The payment link will be sent via WhatsApp, using Mercado Pago’s payment service. Secure and with several payment options.

Is it a gift? Tell us!

We make beautiful packages to make your gift even more pretty.

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Esta é uma mensagem automática. Bem-vindo ao Atelier Zora Paiva. Em breve entraremos em contato.